The show is inspired from the immensely popular Disney animated film, The Lion King. In the year 1997, the musical splendour made its debut on Broadway in 1997. In the year 1999, The Lion King made its London Westend debut in the month of October and still going strong. The scintillating London musical, The Lion King is a complete musical treat for theatre lovers as transfers the audiences to a magical world of glorious colours, stunning effects and enchanting music.
The popular Lyceum Theatre is running award winning London show, The Lion King with houseful shows. The famous London Westend theatre is located in the area of London, Covent Garden. It is one of the most vibrant and exciting part of the city which is located in the heart of London’s Theatreland.
The venue has some of the finest and wide range of restaurants close to the theatre. For shopholics this a complete paradise as there are high street shops. Some of the popular tourist attractions like London Transport Museum, Covent Garden Market and the Royal Opera House are located at a nearby distance. You can also trip to Soho, Leicester Square and Chinatown as they are at a walking distance of the theatre.
For those who are worried how to travel then no need to worry, as Lyceum theatre is located at an easily accessible location. For instance, you can visit via tubes, buses, taxis and cars. You can board bus numbers 6, 11, 13, and 15 all head in the direction of the Strand. You can drive your own car as nearest car park is the Savoy Adelphi Garage 5 minutes away from the Lyceum, costing £9.50 for 2 hours parking.